Human Capital Rajeev Shroff Human Capital Rajeev Shroff

Managing a Leader's Insecurities!


Anyone in a leadership role is aware that though being a manager gives an awesome feeling, however, being a manager is tough. From supervising multiple personalities across teams to making tough decisions without erring, it is both a struggle and an achievement every day to play the lead role. Here are five ways to deal with the things that come your way while being a manager!

1. Making unpopular decisions:

Managers are required to find a balance between striving for profits and streamlining workflow for better productivity. For this, they are often required to make tough decisions such as discontinuing an office perk or asking the team to work late, which the team may or may not comply with. During such a scenario, it is best to be transparent about one's intentions and share how the decision was made for the betterment of the team/organisation as a whole. In case the decision causes a setback, take feedback head on and make amends if required.

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