Pulse Surveys in the Workplace


A few years ago, the American Business Magazine reported that employees who felt happy at their workplace, are productive 80% of the time spent at work. Whereas, those that thought work to be an obligation, felt productive only half of the time.   

Why is it important that your people remain happy and engaged? And how can an organization map their productivity? If these questions come to your mind often, the answer is simple - Pulse surveys conducted by the HR department. What Are Pulse Surveys and How Does It Help? The best way to get this answer is to analyse the status of your own organization.   

Has there been a hike in the attrition rate? Do employees raise too many complaints? Is there a medium through which people can share their ideas and opinions? Pulse surveys will help find the answers to all your work-related issues. Designed with a pre-defined matrix, it helps map the actual pulse (environment) at work. Ensuring that people issues are highlighted as well as addressed, it prevents escalations and helps track people progress. It also provides employee satisfaction, helps boost morale and lays a sound foundation for building a healthier culture. 

Right from tracking transparency in communications, to measuring how effective the perks and policies are, to enhancing peer recognition; pulse surveys also help design a sustainable work-life integration. 

This article was first published on HR.com


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