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Creating self-awareness for Development

As individuals, the process of personal development is a never-ending one. Climbing up the corporate ladder requires constant efforts. While the learning and training on the professional front remain a focus, there have to be conscious efforts to evolve as a person and leader. Professional progress is an endeavor that demands growth from every aspect of your personality. Advancing in your professional life demands that you constantly evaluate your approach towards the world and your team. The ability to be able to mold yourself as per the demands of a job is priceless in today’s ever-changing world. One such skill that will enable you to make these changes is the ability to be self-aware.

A leader wears multiple hats, adapting oneself to play a different role in each situation. A leader should be able to motivate people, take a calculated risk, make difficult decisions, have business acumen and updated skills etc. How does one perform each task and be in each role when there is so much to do? Answers lie in getting to know yourself well. Self-awareness is becoming aware of your strengths, weaknesses, emotions, motivations, and areas for improvement.

Being self-aware translates to knowing and identifying your thought process, the logic behind each decision, and understanding the need to seek assistance. Self-awareness also means understanding the motivation and emotion behind your behavior and the factors that influence. As it is crucial to take well-balanced, practical and impartial decisions as a leader, becoming self-aware helps you be in-tune with yourself much more effectively. 

Becoming self-aware is possible through continuous effort. The following pointers will help you develop this ability over a period of time.

  • Personality Testing

    Understanding your personality, impulses and core traits through personality tests is a good way to get started. Tests such as Myers-Briggs, Predictive Index, DISC and Strengthsfinder will help you evaluate yourself. They will illustrate your areas of improvement and weaknesses. These tests will reveal your natural strengths, emotional drivers, behavior, conflict resolution skills, and communication abilities. An ideal way to start the process of self-reflection, personality testing will help you define your journey of personal growth.  

  • 360 Evaluation

    360 multi-rater assessments will allow you to gather information and feedback from all the stakeholders of your company. This anonymous method lets you attain candid feedback from your peers, superiors, and employees. Accepting this feedback will let you make the necessary adjustments to your behavior and methods to be able to lead your company more efficiently and effectively.

  • Feedback

    In addition to the formal channel of 360 Evaluation, ask your peers, senior and mentors for periodic feedback to get a new and different perspective. While doing so, ensure that you approach them with an open mind and a willingness to listen without justifying yourself. A receptive approach to these conversations will let you discover true insights while developing a bond of trust. Avoid defending yourself or explaining your thought process while having these conversations to build credibility. Do ask good questions to understand their feedback better.

  • Experiment

    A great way to discover your own likes and dislikes is by trying out new things. Each new experience comes with an opportunity to learn something about yourself. While the experience itself may be positive or negative, it will surely provide you with an insight into your attitude and approach towards challenges.

Using Self Awareness to Your Advantage

Understanding yourself is a strong foundation for future success. This knowledge will empower you to make changes which will influence your career significantly. Being self-aware becomes a strength especially while making strategic career moves and planning your future.

As a leader, self-awareness is an ability of utmost importance as it will enable you to make informed decisions like hiring individuals for the leadership team. Accepting your weaknesses lets you find teammates who complement your abilities; knowing yourself lets you guide your teammates on the best way to make each team endeavor successful. Being self-aware while understanding others will allow you to surround yourself with people who can help you achieve collective goals more effectively, resulting in success for yourself and your team.